Technical Requirements - Crafton Hills College-九州体育平台入口
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  • Daily access to a computer with a high-speed internet connection
  • Supported Web Browser - Canvas supports the current and previous major releases of the following browsers:
    • Internet Explorer 11 and Edge 39 and 40 (Windows only—please make sure your operating system is also current as noted in the computer specifications lesson; you may need to download the Windows 10 Anniversary Update to submit Canvas assignments)
    • Safari 9 and 10 (Macintosh only)
    • Chrome 59 and 60
    • Firefox 53 and 54 (Extended Releases are not supported)
    • Flash 25 and 26 (used for recording or viewing audio/video and uploading files)
    • Respondus Lockdown Browser (supporting the latest system requirements). 
  • Software: A word processing program such as MS Word; presentation software such as PowerPoint or PowerPoint Viewer; and Adobe Reader.

You can contact the District Help Desk 24x7 for any Canvas questions. Call 909-384-4357.  They can be reached on campus at (x4357). You can also create a help desk ticket online at

To determine if online learning is right for you, complete The Quest for Online Learning Success Course